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Monthly Archives: June 2013
For you and I are past our dancing days – ‘Romeo and Juliet’ (Shakespeare)
I do not make a dash for the nightclubs,
Or go to ballroom dances,
I never play cards
Or attend séances.
The rhythm of dance
Would swirl my skirt
Lift my hair.
The rhythm of dance
Would keep me fit
And playing bridge
My mind alert
But meet a spirit…
Then what would I do?
Music and live performances
Sublime choirs and Gothic ceilings
They soothe my soul today.
No Watusi, it’s wasabi and cheese,
No Jive dive, Campari and tonic please.
Tango, man-go,
I’ll have a Dubonnet
Waltzes and ballgowns
It’s champagne instead.
But yoga, tai-chi, lycra and bike
Arghh… is this life?
Perhaps the future is an invention
And all that dancing
Is in my dreams
And dreams are always perfect.
My man is no longer here
I don’t dance, I say.